Wednesday 31 July 2019

Figures Of The Earth

Wade's Stone

Even though he knew of the horrors that awaited him in the dead fields and the grave of Waddes beyond, Godwitsun pushed on scrambling through the ancient gnarled bosk.

He glimpsed the uncanny structure through the thicket and felt a deep, keening dread wash over him. The villagers had warned of the stone and it's preternatural powers, but the elders had tasked him, he had no choice, because to become outcast would mean certain death.

The village Binder had helped Godwitsun providing him with the Cord, which had already begun snaking it's way through his limbs and trunk and was now spreading it's tendrils throughout his skull. The elders had imparted to him the knowledge necessary for the journey ahead.

Now stood before the great monolith Godwitsun felt it's immense power draw him forth.

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